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KAN Globe Collab

KAN Globe Collab is an endeavor to create opportunities for international HEIs to step beyond virtual dialogue and take concrete steps towards executing academic collaborations with Indian HEIs.

Promoting India’s New Education Policy, this platform gives a unique opportunity for international HEIs to identify right-fit institutions, pre-schedule meetings and eventually physically meet over two days exclusively to discuss academic collaborations and partnerships. This in-depth exchange of information lays a strong foundation ensuring realistic and timely follow-ups leading to workable MOU formulations. Optional physical campus visits after the summit give an additional opportunity to enhance mutual understanding. KAN Globe Collab is being organized in collaboration with The Life Education & Environment Services.

India’s NEP 2020 & the Internationalisation Vision

National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP 2020) focuses on internationalization of education in India. It facilitates research/teaching collaborations and faculty/student exchanges with high-quality foreign institutions, and mutually beneficial MOUs with foreign countries. Research collaboration and student exchanges between Indian institutions and global institutions will be promoted through special efforts like providing financial assistance and fellowships. Credits acquired in foreign universities will be permitted, as per the requirements of each HEI, that shall be counted for the award of a degree.


Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions to offer Twinning, Joint Degree and Dual Degree Programmes Regulations have been issued. This promotes enhanced academic collaboration with foreign higher educational institutions leading towards academic and research excellence in the Indian HEIs. It also aims to provide global exposure to students, internationalization at home, multi-disciplinary education with an internationally relevant curriculum and enhance employability. Guidelines for Internationalisation of Higher Education were issued. Accordingly, about 700 HEIs have already established offices of International Affairs at their campuses.

Collaboration Opportunities


student recruitment

and mobility


Shared resources

and facilities for teaching and


Joint research

projects and



Twinning, Joint Degree, Dual Degree Programmes, Credit transfer agreements


Summit Format

Create Institution Profile on Online Portal

Pre-schedule meetings with Institutions

O3 (One-on-One) Meetings

Collab Fair 








Scrutinize the institution profiles and programs

Identify your best-fit institutions

Dedicated 30 mins time slot for O3 meetings



Post-summit campus visits (Optional)

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